I have a Web-Service that's being called from a remote Java program. I want to secure the Web Service with WS-Trust, using PicketLink. PicketLink is working, and I can obtain a token (assertion) from the picketlink-sts, using the WSTrustClient class.
But in JBoss 7, there appears to be no way to supply any of the client-side WS runtime classes with this token. The samples on the JBoss sites use this:
((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(SAML2Constants.SAML2_ASSERTION_PROPERTY, assertion);
But org.picketlink.trust.jbossws.SAML2Constants does not exist because there are no org.picketlink.trust packages in any of the JBoss 7 or PicketLink jars.
I have no experience with PicketLink (yet). But some Googling led me to this forum question & answer.