I have a gdb with a table that was generated from the Frequency tool and I want to add the table to the script. How can I access the table using a Search Cursor?
This is the script:
print "START"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1
fc = "D:\AVI \zl\zevel.gdb\point"
list_Fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
my_list = ("a","b","c")
for name in list_Fields:
if name.name in my_list:
print name.name
output = r"D:\AVI \zl\zevel.gdb"
tbl_name = output + r"\tbl"+"_"+ name.name
print tbl_name
### arcpy.SearchCursor....
I usually call cursor's using a with statement so I don't accidentally forget to close them and cause a data lock.
Hope this helps. For more info, check the arcgis resources page: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//002z0000001q000000