I am trying to figure out how to pull a certain element from a file. It always has 4 elements before it but it could have anywhere between none and infinity elements behind it. The element I would like to pull from this file could be named anything but will always be in the same spot per line. the lines of the file are formatted like so...
$(eval $(call CreateTest, file, KeyElement_0 ...
$(eval $(call CreateTest, file, KeyElement_1 ...
$(eval $(call CreateTest, file, KeyElement_2 ...
$(eval $(call CreateTest, file, KeyElement_n ...
I want to be able to pull KeyElement and read it to a list but I am currently doing it like this...
proc filterTests path {
set f [listFromFile $path0/listfile]
set f [lsearch -all -inline $f "KeyElement_*"]
return $f
This works right now but elements might not necessarily follow the KeyElement_*
format so I need to be able to account for this.
The code I am using to read from the file look like;
proc listFromFile {$path1} {
set find {$(eval $(call CreateTest, file, *}
upvar path1 path1
set f [open $path1 r]
while {[gets $f line] != -1} {
if {[string match ${find} $line]} {
set write [open listfile a]
foreach writetofile $line {
puts $write $writetofile
close $write
Maybe you can try
or some such. You will of course have to modify the actual regular expression as needed.
Will expand if useful.