Search documents with parent-child context : Marklogic

228 views Asked by At

I have the following XML. When I search for city as Bangalore & state as Telegana it should not return any result since the city and state belong to different address elements...

XML Document  :

Search for: city=Bangalore & state=Telangana

Current Output : It returns the person document when using below query

        <search:element name="city"/>
        <search:element name="state"/>

Excepted Output: Since both city and state belong to two different address element it should not return the above document in the result. Any pointers in solving this issue using REST-API or XQuery ?


There are 1 answers

Rob S. On

I actually just solved this problem earlier today using the /v1/search REST API here: Marklogic 8 xml search

To use xQuery for a solution this will work just fine for you:

xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace search =
     at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";

let $options :=
  <options xmlns="">
    <constraint name="address">
      <element-query name="address" ns="" />
    <constraint name="city">
        <element ns="" name="city"/>
    <constraint name="state">
        <element ns="" name="state"/>

  search:search('address:(city:Bangalore AND state:Karnataka)', $options)