"scroll-snap-type" example using the whole window?

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All the examples I find online are for small scrolling boxes displayed within another page. I want to snap the whole window/viewport to some divs that are stacked vertically. For example:

[ content, scroll normally ]
[ "scroll snap" to this div ]
[ "scroll snap" to this div ]
[ "scroll snap" to this div ]
[ content, scroll normally ] 

To clarify, there is no "fixed" content and the divs I want to "snap" are just rectangles like maybe 300x700.

I tried adding scroll-snap-type: y mandatory; to the parent container of the divs, doesn't work in Firefox 69. I also tried adding scroll-snap-type: y mandatory; to the "body and "html" and that doesn't work either. Can you show me any example using "scroll-snap-type" on the whole window?

I gave up and looked for a Javascript alternative, but it seems like development of Javascript solutions slowed/stopped after this was added to browsers with CSS. I tried "Scrollify" for jQuery but it has glitches and doesn't work that well.

The code would look something like this.

  #container { scroll-snap-type: y mandatory; }
  #container div { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 700px; 
    scroll-snap-align: center;

<div>this content scrolls normally</div>
<div id="container">
  <div>snap to here</div>
  <div>snap to here</div>
  <div>snap to here</div>
<div>this content scrolls normally</div>

Why doesn't this work?

I found an example of what I'm trying to do... https://snap.glitch.me/product.html but I'm looking for a more barebones example so I can figure out what my code is missing. Supposedly, the only two required CSS elements are "scroll-snap-type" and "scroll-snap-align" but it seems like something else is required to make this work.


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