I am creating a library using vbscript and using scriptcontrol object to call these routines from vba. I am trying to create a recordset as a routine with the given sql as parameter as below
sub GetData(sql, byref retrst)
stADO = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;Initial
Catalog=CCMSProd;Data Source=sv-hfi-ccms;UID=vc;PWD=dw;"
cnconn as adoconnection
Set cnconn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnconn.Open stADO
msgbox cnconn.ConnectionString
msgbox cnconn.state
With cnconn
.CommandTimeout = 0
Set retrst = .Execute(sql)
msgbox retrst.recordcount
End With
end sub
and calling this routine as below
scr.Run "GetConnection", tempload, rst
but my recordset returns as nothing, eventhough the connection and recordset created within vbscript.
I need help in this.
There are quite a few problems with your script. I'm not going to go in to each one but be aware that the recordset open call has more parameters. They aren't required but the defaults are adForwardOnly for the cursor type, and adLockReadOnly for locking. Using the defaults will not enable you to get a record count from the recordset so the code I provide just shows the value of the first record in the recordset to indicate data was retrieved.
The code below works but you'll need to modify it for your usage. Batch file to run the script:
Script to run:
I left it similar to your code so you can understand it but it should really create and open the ADO connection before the ADORecordset. You would typically open the connection, run all of the required queries and process them before closing the connection. There's no sense in creating a new connection to the same database multiple times for different queries to the same database. It just adds unnecessary overhead. I'll leave it to you to improve the code for your use.