I use this script to send email after comment, it's k2 component from joomla, but i get every time 2 emails, how can i count runs and start this script only 1 time?
my code looks so:
$mailer =& JFactory::getMailer();
$config =& JFactory::getConfig();
$sender = array(
$config->getValue( 'config.mailfrom' ),
$config->getValue( 'config.fromname' ) );
$recipient = explode(",", " [email protected]");
$mailer->setSubject(JText::_('New comment is arrived'));
if (!trim($commentURL)=="") {
$commentURL = "Site: ". $commentURL. "\n";
$body = "Name: ". $userName. "\n". "E-mail: ". $commentEmail. "\n". $commentURL. "Comment: ". $commentText;
But I think would be better understand where is the problem with the component developer.