ScreenToWorldPoint offset for different resolutions in Unity 2D

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I'm developing a 2D game and I need to be able to detect the mouse position in the game world. The thing is, when I'm on the editor it works just fine, but when I run the standalone and set a resolution with an aspect ratio different from the native one on my computer, it has a weird offset.

Click offset

In the picture, the red dot represents the position of my mouse when I click, and the yellow dot represents where the game detects the position. I don't have this problem when I run the fullscreen with an aspect ratio 16:9, which is my PC's default.

The code for the detection is the following.

void useHook(Vector3 mousePosition)
    Vector2 mousePos = new Vector2(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);

    Vector2 ray2D = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos);
    RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray2D,;
    if (hit.collider != null)
        GameObject target = hit.collider.gameObject;
        if (target.tag.Equals("Grappleable"))

I'm using an ortho camera and calling useHook like this.


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