My goal is to create a fixture that will run once at the beginning of the class function test and initialize the attributes I need in self. To do this, I created a fixture with the scope of the class and applied it directly to the class. To solve the compatibility problem of pytest with asynchronous code, pytest-asyncio was used.
My minimally reproducible example:
import pytest
async def setup_teardown(request):
request.cls.test_number = '123'
# ...
class Test_BaseFunctional():
async def test_my_number(self):
assert self.test_number == '123'
But i'm receiving:
ScopeMismatch: You tried to access the function scoped fixture event_loop with a class scoped request object, involved factories:
tests/ def setup_teardown(request)
I tried many ways, from time to time I got a large-scale non-working code, and in the end I returned to this minimal example in the hope of help from you, dear friends.
The reason was in pytest-asyncio fixtures realization. They has scope "function" which not implicated with higher-level fixtures, such as the scope "class". In this case, we just need to redefine event_loop fixture to eliminate ScopeMismatch.
You can put this code into file.