Scoped lock_guard Not Releasing Mutex in Static Method

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Platform Debian 9 | ARM

I have a class that is used to store thread IDs on a std::list and then print the list as part of the shutdown procedure. There are two static methods: AddId() and PrintIds(). Since the static methods are used by several threads, the list access is protected with a std::mutex. I have come across two issues that have me baffled and they may be related. I hope one of you can help explain what I am missing.

Note I first used scoped std::lock_guard<std::mutex>s and have temporarily settled on the std::unique_lock<std::mutex>s that are shown in the code for the reasons explained herein.

Issue 1 When the program starts, all threads call ThreadMgr::AddId(), which adds the thread id to the list along with a string name. That seems to work fine. However, when ThreadMgr::PrintIds() is called during the shutdown procedure, the std::mutex is still locked and the std::lock_guard blocks. While testing, I unlocked the std::mutex in the line preceding the std::lock_guard--which is undefined behavior if it wasn't locked by the calling thread--and then it worked as expected. The only place the std::mutex is used is in these two methods, and with the std::lock_guard being scoped, the std::mutex should have been unlocked with every method call. I went through several iterations of locking and unlocking the std::mutex directly, using std::unique_locks, etc. I eventually found a somewhat workable solution using the std::unique_locks that are in the code provided here. However, that too has me baffled.

The std::unique_locks work if I use std::adopt_lock, but only in ThreadMgr::PrintIds(). If I use std::adopt_lock in ThreadMgr::AddId(), then I get a segmentation fault whenever ThreadMgr::PrintIds() is called.

Issue 2 As previously stated, ThreadMgr::AddId() runs fine with either std::lock_guard or std::unique_lock when all threads call it on startup. However, there are UI sessions where each session spawns a thread. When ThreadMgr::AddId() is called from one of these session threads, both std::lock_guard and std::unique_lock block like the std::mutex is already locked. So, ThreadMgr::AddId() works perfectly fine for every other thread, but not for the session threads that are started later.

If there is any other information I can provide to help get to a solution, let me know.

class ThreadMgr {
    static void AddId(std::string);
    static void PrintIds();

    static std::list<ThreadId> t_list;
    static std::mutex list_mtx;

ThreadMgr::ThreadMgr() {}
ThreadMgr::~ThreadMgr() {}

/*Static Members*/
void ThreadMgr::AddId(std::string name) {
    ThreadId t_id = getThreadId(name);
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(list_mtx);

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(cout_mtx);
    std::cout << "---Added id: " << t_id.tid << " for the " << name << " thread." << std::endl;

void ThreadMgr::PrintIds() {
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << "\n**************************Thread Ids**************************\n";
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(list_mtx, std::adopt_lock);
        for (std::list<ThreadId>::iterator t = t_list.begin(); t != t_list.end(); t++) {
            oss << "---" << t->name << " : " << t->tid << '\n';
    oss << "************************End Thread Ids************************" << '\n';
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(cout_mtx);
    std::cout << oss.str() << std::endl;

std::mutex ThreadMgr::list_mtx;
std::list<ThreadId> ThreadMgr::t_list;

int Main(){


    std::thread MbServerT(MbServer);
    std::thread UiServerT(UiServer);

        //do stuff


    return 0;

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