SCOM maintenance mode powershell script broke

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in my company we use powershell script that puts objects in maintenance mode. problem is that it suddently stop work at all - there are no errors, but script do nothing

maintenance intervals defines by XML file

for example

<Name>MMG 129OP SVC WEBSOA</Name>      ---group containing objects
<Schedule>Mon 19:30-Mon 23:00</Schedule> ---monday 19:30 to 23:00

and here is the script

$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

$oAPI = new-object -comObject "MOM.ScriptAPI"

If ($Debug -ne "true")
    $Debug = [bool]$false
    $Debug = [bool]$true

$DateTime = Get-Date
$Interval = $IntervalSeconds / 60

If ($Debug)
    $oAPI.LogScriptEvent("MaintenanceWindows.ps1",800,4,"The script 'MaintenanceWindows.ps1' is starting at $DateTime.")

$setupKey = Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Setup"
$installDirectory = $setupKey.GetValue("InstallDirectory") | Split-Path
$psmPath = $installdirectory + "\Powershell\OperationsManager\OperationsManager.psm1"
Import-Module $psmPath
#Import-Module "C:\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Console\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.ClientShell.dll"

New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName
$XmlPath = "C:\Monitoring\Maintenance\MaintenanceWindows.xml"
[xml]$MMContent = Get-Content $XmlPath

If ($Debug -and $Error)
    $oAPI.LogScriptEvent("MaintenanceWindows.ps1",802,4,"Error: $Error. Time: $DateTime.")

if ($MMContent.HasChildNodes)
    foreach ($MMWindow in $MMContent.MMWindows.MMWindow)
       $ScheduledDays = ($MMWindow.Schedule).Split(",")

       foreach ($ScheduledDay in $ScheduledDays)
            $StartDay = ($ScheduledDay.Split("-").GetValue(0)).Split(" ").GetValue(0)

             Switch ($StartDay)
                "Mon" {$EndDay = "Monday"
                      $EndDayCount = 1}
                "Tue" {$EndDay = "Tuesday"
                      $EndDayCount = 2}
                "Wed" {$EndDay = "Wednesday"
                      $EndDayCount = 3}
                "Thu" {$EndDay = "Thursday"
                      $EndDayCount = 4}
                "Fri" {$EndDay = "Friday"
                      $EndDayCount = 5}
                "Sa" {$EndDay = "Saturday"
                      $EndDayCount = 6}
                "Su" {$EndDay = "Sunday"
                      $EndDayCount = 7}

            $EndDay = ($ScheduledDay.Split("-").GetValue(1)).Split(" ").GetValue(0)

            Switch ($EndDay)
                "Mon" {$EndDay = "Monday"
                      $EndDayCount = 1}
                "Tue" {$EndDay = "Tuesday"
                      $EndDayCount = 2}
                "Wed" {$EndDay = "Wednesday"
                      $EndDayCount = 3}
                "Thu" {$EndDay = "Thursday"
                      $EndDayCount = 4}
                "Fri" {$EndDay = "Friday"
                      $EndDayCount = 5}
                "Sa" {$EndDay = "Saturday"
                      $EndDayCount = 6}
                "Su" {$EndDay = "Sunday"
                      $EndDayCount = 7}

            [DateTime]$StartTime = ($ScheduledDay.Split("-").GetValue(0)).Split(" ").GetValue(1)
            if ($EndDayCount -lt $StartDayCount)
                [DateTime]$EndTime = ([DateTime]($ScheduledDay.Split("-").GetValue(1)).Split(" ").GetValue(1)).AddDays(7 - ($StartDayCount - $EndDayCount))
                [DateTime]$EndTime = ([DateTime]($ScheduledDay.Split("-").GetValue(1)).Split(" ").GetValue(1)).AddDays($EndDayCount - $StartDayCount)

            If ($StartDay -eq (Get-Date).DayOfWeek -and (Get-Date) -ge $StartTime.AddMinutes(-($Interval + 10)) -and (Get-Date) -lt $StartTime.AddMinutes($Interval + 10))
                    $Group = Get-SCOMGroup -DisplayName $MMWindow.Name

            If ($Debug -and $Error)
                $oAPI.LogScriptEvent("MaintenanceWindows.ps1",803,4,"Error: $Error. Time: $DateTime.")

                            $GroupMembers = $Group.GetRelatedMonitoringObjects()
                            If($GroupMembers.Count -gt 0)
                                Foreach ($Instance in $GroupMembers)
                                    if (!$Instance.InMaintenanceMode)
                                    Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance $Instance -EndTime $EndTime.ToUniversalTime() -Reason "PlannedOther"  -Comment "Planned Maintenance Mode by Script"
                                    $oAPI.LogScriptEvent("MaintenanceWindows.ps1",805,4, "Start MM for object: " + $Instance.DisplayName + ". End MM: " + $EndTime)
                            If ($Debug -and $Error)
                                $oAPI.LogScriptEvent("MaintenanceWindows.ps1",804,4,"Error: $Error. Time: $DateTime.")
If ($Debug)
    $oAPI.LogScriptEvent("MaintenanceWindows.ps1",801,4, "The script 'MaintenanceWindows.ps1' is finished.")

any ideas?


There are 2 answers

Χpẘ On

As Ansgar indicated a good way to address a problem like that is via some sort of debugging.

However you asked for ideas, so here are some: 1. One likely way I see for the script to do "nothing" (assuming it runs at all) is for $GroupMembers to be empty. 2. $GroupMembers relies on $Group evaluating to $true, so if $Group is $null nothing will happen. 3. $Group isn't assigned unless the following evaluates $true:

$StartDay -eq (Get-Date).DayOfWeek -and 
(Get-Date) -ge $StartTime.AddMinutes(-($Interval + 10)) -and 
(Get-Date) -lt $StartTime.AddMinutes($Interval + 10))
  1. That expression being $true depends on the value of $Interval. $Interval is defined based on $IntervalSeconds - whose definition is not shown in the OP. So StackOverflow responders can't help you with that code path.

  2. A couple of other possible failures are Get-SCOMGroup returning $null or GetRelatedMonitoringObjects returning $null.

Since the original question asked for ideas and I gave you several plausible ideas, I'd say I answered the question.

Start-Automating On

My company wrote these cmdlets for Microsoft a couple of years ago. This question rung a bell about a SCOM enthusiast friend and the need to change maintenance modes often. I checked, and I believe that the commands Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode and Update-SCOMMaintenanceMode will do the trick (and save you a bunch of code).

Please let me know if this is not the case.