I would like to schedule my snowflake task to run once a month. It can be 1st day of the month at 12 AM. I suppose I should use cron statements. I tried to do it like this but I am still getting an error
SCHEDULE = ' Using Cron 0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/foo'
I Have Also tried this
SCHEDULE = ' Using Cron 10 0 1 * * America/Los_Angeles'
Invalid schedule was specified. Please refer to the docs on what constitutes a valid schedule.
Are you able to help me with this?
You can use this site to generate a cron expression: http://www.cronmaker.com/
First monday of the month would be http://www.cronmaker.com/;jsessionid=node01jfgbcdpvcuyq11hdbfo9xv9yz104070.node0?0