I am trying do draw an frame over a sphere on the parent view of the scene, but for some reason the points converted by SCNScene.projectPoint
method are displaced.
To make it simple, i created a sphere at the center of the scene with 2 radius. The sphere is attached to the root node, so top left corner on world coordinates is at (-2,-2,0) point.
Here the complete code:
func sphereWithFrame(){
var v1 = SCNVector3(x: 0,y: 0,z: 0)
var v2 = SCNVector3(x: 0,y: 0,z: 0)
let topSphere = SCNSphere(radius: 2.0)
topSphere.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents = UIColor.greenColor()
let topSphereNode = SCNNode(geometry: topSphere)
topSphereNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 0)
topSphereNode.getBoundingBoxMin(&v1, max: &v2)
//world coordinates
let v1w = topSphereNode.convertPosition(v1, toNode: scene.rootNode)
let v2w = topSphereNode.convertPosition(v2, toNode: scene.rootNode)
//projected coordinates
let v1p = scnview.projectPoint(v1w)
let v2p = scnview.projectPoint(v2w)
//frame rectangle
var rect = CGRectMake(CGFloat(v1p.x), CGFloat(v2p.y), CGFloat(v2p.x - v1p.x), CGFloat(v1p.y - v2p.y))
let rectView = UIView(frame: rect)
rectView.alpha = 0.3
rectView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
println("v1 \(v1.toString()), v2\(v2.toString())")
println("v1w \(v1w.toString()), v2w\(v2w.toString())")
println("v1p \(v1p.toString()), v2w\(v2p.toString())")
The console:
v1 x:-2.0,y:-2.0,z:-2.0, v2x:2.0,y:2.0,z:2.0
v1w x:-2.0,y:-2.0,z:-2.0, v2wx:2.0,y:2.0,z:2.0
v1p x:90.718,y:309.282,z:0.925926, v2wx:263.923,y:136.077,z:0.883838
rect(90.718, 136.077, 173.205, 173.205)
The result on screen is a rectangle a little to the up right from where should be.
I try to follow the post " How do I find my mouse point in a scene using SceneKit?". What am i getting wrong?
have to set z to zero on both world coordinates:
explaining things help