Scale Set with custom image from another subscription

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I created a scale set with managed disks and a custom image (something like /subscriptions/<SUB-ID>/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/my-base-image) and also an ARM template to deploy a new scale set with this custom image. The template deployment works fine if I deploy to the same subscription where my custom image is located. But it fails when I try to deploy it to another subscription - even if these two subscription are part of the same tenant/directory and the user has access to both subscriptions.

So am I right that it's not possible to use a custom image from a different subscription?

If yes: it would be ok (not best solution, but ok), if I could copy the custom image from subscription A to subscription B - But I can't see a way to copy this ressource. I think the only way is to recreate everything and use unmanged disks, because here I can download and upload the .vhd file from/to the storage account.

Any other ideas?


There are 1 answers


For now, Azure doesn’t support move a managed Image to anther subscription .But, this function will come soon. Also , I supply a way for this issue.

  1. Create a temporary VM in A subscription using your Image.

  2. Move this temporary VM to B subscription.

  3. Capture a new Image and delete the temporary VM.

Then, you can use this image to do what you want to do.

NOTE: Moving a VM to another subscription is very easy. You just need to click Move button on VM’s overview in portal.

Also, this link supply another solution and it may be helpful to your case.