Scalatest and SprayIO fails

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I have problem with my test suite. No matter what I do I always get the same error message Request was not handled.

This is my test suite:

class EventsServiceSpec extends FlatSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with EventsService with Matchers {
  def actorRefFactory = system

  behavior of "Events service"

  it should "list all events" in {
    Get("events") ~> eventsRoute ~> check {
      status should equal (StatusCodes.OK)

Here are my routes for that service:

trait EventsService extends HttpService {
  val eventsRoute =
    path("events") {
      get {
      } ~
      post {
        entity(as[Event]) { event =>

I have no idea what is wrong and I don't want to use another test framework. Because most of examples with tests in spray are written in Spec2. Maybe I'm missing something.


There are 1 answers

Gangstead On BEST ANSWER

I'm using Specs2 and I do tests with some different traits. Using your classes my tests look like this:

class EventsServiceSpecTest extends SpecificationWithJUnit with Specs2RouteTest with EventsService {

  "Events Service" should {

    "list all events" in {      
      Get("events") ~> eventsRoute ~> check {
        status === StatusCodes.OK

The only other thing I can think is that your path might need to be "/events" instead of "events"