I'm using Scalatra with Scalate and Jade. When ever I try to apply a template that takes values the values are not being applied to the template and I'm getting a NoValueSetException... Here is the code I have:
// --------- In PostsServlet ------------------
get("/:page") {
val page:Int = params.getOrElse("page", "1").toInt
val posts = PostCollection.page(page)
jade("/index.jade", "foo" -> "bar")
// ------------------ In index.jade ----------------------
-@ var foo : String
-attributes("title") = "Circuits Of Imagination"
-attributes("headline") = "Writings"
and the exception:
The value for 'foo' was not set
org.fusesource.scalate.NoValueSetException: The value for 'foo' was not set
at org.fusesource.scalate.RenderContext$$anonfun$attribute$1.apply(RenderContext.scala:159)
at org.fusesource.scalate.RenderContext$$anonfun$attribute$1.apply(RenderContext.scala:159)
at org.fusesource.scalate.RenderContext$class.attributeOrElse(RenderContext.scala:167)
Try cleaning the temp/generated files via the following command
Then start the Jetty server. It might help.