I am trying to write unit tests in Scala using specs2. I want to test a third-party api (Bluemix watson) that is written inside my send() function.
class BMProxy() extends BaseProxy()
override def send(data:JsValue):JsValue =
val id = "--123---"
val workspaceid = "---xyz---"
val username = "---username---"
val password = "---password---"
val bluemixURL = s"https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/conversation/api/v1/workspaces/$id/message?version=2016-07-11"
Logger.info(s"data: $data")
val req = WS.url(bluemixURL).
withAuth(username, password, WSAuthScheme.BASIC).
withHeaders("Content-Type" -> "application/json").
map {
response => {
val rawbody = response.body
val responsecode = response.status
val responsetext = response.statusText
Await.result(req, 5 seconds)
and below is the unit test method of the above method:
class Proxies extends Specification {
"Chatscript proxy" should {
"gives response" in {
val data = Json.parse("""{"input":{"text":"Hey"},"context":{"conversation_id":"234234234" } }""")
val response = new BMProxy().send(data)
println("---", response)
Json.stringify(response) must contain ("response")
but it throws error -
[error] Could not create an instance of Proxies
[error] caused by java.lang.Exception: Could not instantiate class Proxies: null