I have a database column with the list<map<text, text>> type in Cassandra which I'm trying to read with ListColumn[Map[String,String]]
in my CassandraTable
I get 2 compilation errors:
Error:(18, 25) could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type com.websudos.phantom.builder.primitives.Primitive[Map[String,String]]
object claims extends ListColumn[Map[String,String]](this)
Error:(18, 25) not enough arguments for constructor ListColumn: (implicit evidence$1: com.websudos.phantom.builder.primitives.Primitive[Map[String,String]])com.websudos.phantom.column.ListColumn[ConcreteUsers,User,Map[String,String]].
Unspecified value parameter evidence$1.
object claims extends ListColumn[Map[String,String]](this)
I've tried using the JsonListColumn
instead but that cannot convert the map<text, text> to a String for the toJson/fromJson overrides to work.
Is this conversion possible with Phantom and if so is there any documentation or an example showing this?
Many thanks,
This is impossible in Cassandra itself, it is not a Phantom client side limitation. The usual way to address this is to use user defined types, which are natively supported in phantom-pro.
This is just an example of nesting.