I have a complicated stylesheet which when done executing should replace not just the body of the current html element, but the entire html element with all the children, head and body.
function applyStylesheetUsingSaxon() {
options = {
sourceText: getSourceXML(),
stylesheetLocation: "spl.sef.json",
destination: "document"
result = SaxonJS.transform(options);
When I do this, some FairAdBlocker extension will try to access document.body and get null and then nothing works any more. The produced html also does look suspicious.
I thought maybe I just get HTML as a string and can put it as innerHtml or so, with:
destination: "serialized"
result = SaxonJS.transform(options);
the error I get is:
Serializer does not support the requested HTML version: 1.0',
So how can I get a decent HTML DOM produced? Note, I can't use replaceBody because I need to replace the headers as well.
MORE DETAILS: I'm responding to some clarifying question in the comments:
Is the DOM up to that approach to rip of all children from a document to then add a new root element?
This has worked just fine with the result from the built-in XSLTProcessor in Chrome.
What does that talk about the extension mean, can you disable that and check whether your approach works without the extension interfering?
That extension issue is a red herring. The fact is that the document.body returns nothing after the replacement operation, and the nodes look differently.
Also, what is a minimal but complete sample of XML input, XSLT, wanted HTML result and the "suspicious" HTML you say you get?
Here I show you the difference just looking at the output of the transform. This is debugging console output using the built-in XSLTProcessor
here is what comes from Saxon-JS:
and I guess the issue is that the result is a #document-fragment. Here is some view of the details looked at as javascript objects rather than as HTML. First what comes from the built-in XSLTProcessor:
and here is what comes from Saxon-JS:
As for the serialization attempt, well, do you use the HTML output method with e.g. html-version="5.0" or no explicitly set version or html-version? The error sounds as if you set method="html" version="1.0".
Indeed we have
<xsl:output method="html" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="no" doctype-public="-"/>
which I think was to fiddle with quirks mode or something because of former need to be compatible to IE.
IN SUMMARY: I think the analysis of what we get out from the built-in XSLTProcessor (document) vs. Saxon-JS (document-fragment). If Saxon-JS actually was to produce a document and have an destination option to replace the entire document content, then it would be great. Not having that, I should still be able to make a workaround.
What I don't understand is why, when I take the root node () from the built-in XSLTProcessor result #document.firstElementChild and append it to the current (and empty) document, then that document.body property comes with the new body. But when I do the same with the Saxon-JS result #document-fragment.firstElementChild then the document.body returns null, despite the two .firstElementChild () root nodes being pretty much the same kind of thing in both cases. (Hard to tell the difference, but neither has a "body" property, both have two children, and .
Here at https://martin-honnen.github.io/xslt/2022/replaceChildrenTest4.html is an example using Saxon-JS 2.3 to run a HTML DOM to HTML DOM transformation and then using your first approach of
to first remove the existing document's children to, in the second step,appendChild
the result of the Saxon-JS transformation.For debugging ease I have avoided the use of SEF and directly run the XSLT source code through
but I would think the same approach would work with a precompiled SEF and the SaxonJS.transform API. A test doing that is at https://martin-honnen.github.io/xslt/2022/replaceChildrenTest5.html and works the same.