I am working on an app that uses PencilKit. I am trying to save the PK drawing in the form of data in a sqlite3 database but it is not saving. I assume the problem is with the save function, not the one that fetches the drawing data to display because the drawing row in the database is empty when I query directly in terminal.
func save(canvas: Canvas) {
// connect to database
// canvas.drawing is already in the form of data not PK drawing here
let drawingData = canvas.drawing
drawingData.withUnsafeBytes { drawingBuffer in
let drawingPtr = drawingBuffer.baseAddress!
var statement: OpaquePointer!
if sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, "UPDATE drawings SET drawing = ? WHERE rowid = ?", -1, &statement, nil) != SQLITE_OK {
print("Could not create (update) query")
sqlite3_bind_blob(statement, 1, drawingPtr, -1, nil)
sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 2, Int32(canvas.id))
if sqlite3_step(statement) != SQLITE_DONE {
print("Could not execute update statement")
A few observations:
, the fourth parameter is the size, which is required, and must not be negative. Withsqlite3_bind_text
, you can supply a-1
value because C strings are null terminated and it can figure out where the string ends, but it can’t do that with a blob.As the documentation says:
Thus, perhaps:
And then:
Also, if a SQLite call fails, you should print the error, otherwise you are flying blind, e.g.
You should do that whenever you check a SQLite return code. Often this will make it much easier to diagnose why a call failed.