I have a map leaflet that I want to save in an html file in a specific folder. I am using Windows 7.
I tried the following :
saveWidget(map_leaflet, file="ressources/test.html")
saveWidget(map_leaflet, file="ressources\\test.html")
path_name <- file.path("ressources", "test.html", fsep="\\")
saveWidget(map_leaflet, file=path_name)
path_name <- paste("ressources", "test.html", sep="/")
saveWidget(map_leaflet, file=path_name)
As an error message, depending on the Rstudio session, I either have
1) Error in setwd(dir) : cannot change working directory
2) Cannot find path
When I only save like this :
saveWidget(map_leaflet, file="test.html")
It works perfectly.
Thank you in advance for your help.
here is a workaround:
The issues appear to be that saveWidget does not work with relative pathnames and normalizePath does not work for paths to files that done exist yet.
I would call this a bug in saveWidget.
I have contribute what I think is an even better workaround to an existing open issue