I am trying to generate a qr code to assign to an image field. I have done this with no trouble on another model, using the save_model function in ModelAdmin. Now, I need to do it in an Inline. Apparently, save_model does not work here, and I am told that save_formset is the way to go instead, however I cannot get it to work. I have compared my code to other instances of save_formset which I have seen, and cannot see any syntax errors, but django will not give me an error report so I have nothing else to go on.
class InstrumentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [
def save_formset(self, request, form, formset, change):
instances = formset.save(commit=False)
for f in instances:
# save the object first so we get an id number etc.
# determine the URL
# build a qr code
qr = qrcode.QRCode(box_size=3)
qr.add_data( 'FloWave TT {} {}'.format(f,url))
# save to memory
img_io= StringIO.StringIO()
img_file=InMemoryUploadedFile(img_io, None, 'assetqr{}.png'.format(f.id), 'image/png', img_io.len, None)
# update the object record with the qrcode
I have worked around the problem. Instead of editing the asset model directly through save_formset, I have used save_model on the parent, and used that to edit the child. Thus: