I need to download an image file when user click a download button.
I have the content of the file in utf-8 format returned from the server.
ex: "�PNG IHDR@�v/j�sRGB���gAMA���a pHYs���o�d��IDATx^�� �TՕ�_�~��^>�~��N�M�:/��t�Iw�I^��̜8���I@шH��DC�(*" ..... "
( The exact file string displayed in http://codepen.io/jduprey/details/xbale when I upload the same file in this web site)
Now I need to create the blob of the file and save it in the client side.
I tried FileSaver( https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js) library as follows
var blob = new Blob( [ utfFileString ], { type: 'image/png' });
saveAs(blob, aData.name );
But downloaded files are in incorrect format and and cannot be opened.
Appreciate if someone can help me on this.
Png files are not utf-8 encoded, notice all those invalid code sequence replacement characters(�) in the string.
You need to get the data in binary format, such as blob or array buffer. Something like