Save an Image instance as png Magick++

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This is my 3rd subsequent post about Magick++ even though I spend tons of effort trying to deal with it myself.

I have this program:

int main( int argc, char ** argv)

  // Initialize ImageMagick install location for Windows

  try {

    Image button;
    Geometry size = Geometry(10,10);
  catch( exception &error_ )
      cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl;
      return 1;
  return 0;

As you can see all I'm trying to do is to save 10x10 empty image to a png file. Unfortunately, Magick++ can't do that:

Caught exception: stripes.exe: no encode delegate for this image format `' @ err
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That's a big disappointment. I spent six hours getting the library to work to end up with this. But I think Magick++ is capable of doing it, eventually. Therefore the question is, what have I done wrong?

Should I somewhere include/require/load some module that allows PNG saving?


There are 1 answers

zbigniewcebula On

Did you put DLL's in your binary folder? You know that PNG is compressed by zlib, right? For example: when you using SDL library and you use PNG's you need to put zlib and libpng DLL's in bin folder to allow program reading and writing PNG files.