Yep, sass in my gulpfile ([email protected]) reports many errors (and keeps continuing the watch, just as it should...), but not errors like these:
content: ""
display: table
clear both
and display
make it correctly into the actual class (where the mixin is referenced), but clear
doesn't (because I missed the colon). This is a syntax error (so it's not like rareproperty: 42px;
handled gracefully). → still: No errors seen, no interruption.
My gulp task:
gulp.task('sass', function() {
return gulp.src(src.scssMaster)
.pipe( sass({
debugInfo : true,
lineNumbers : true,
outputStyle: 'expanded'
.on('error', function(err){
gutil.log(err); //
browsers: ['iOS >= 5', 'ie 8', 'Firefox > 2'],
cascade: true,
remove: true
.pipe(reload({stream: true}))
.on('end', () => gutil.log('sass thing done'));
Mille grazie ❤
It's not a syntax error at all. Take this example:
This compiles to the following CSS:
It certainly looks like the error of the wrongly specified
clear both
property is silently ignored. What is actually happening is that you have defined a clear both
selector. But since clear both
selector is empty it is optimized away by the SASS compiler.This becomes clear when you look at what happens with another SASS example:
This compiles to the following CSS:
Now the
.foo clear both
selector isn't empty and the CSS is no longer optimized away by the compiler.SASS doesn't know or care about the fact that there isn't actually a
element in any of the HTML specifications. This is a feature and not a bug since:clear
wouldn't be valid names even for web components).clear