SASS - compiling using pyscss removes square brackets

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I'm working on a web app developed in flask. It uses SASS which we are compiling and Bundling using the flask_assets library with the following code.

from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle

scss = Bundle('sass/main.scss', filters='pyscss', output='all.css', depends=('sass/**/*.scss'))
assets.register('scss_all', scss)

Things were working fine until we started using named grid lines as follows

display: grid;
grid-template-rows: 5vh 10vh; 
grid-itemplate-columns: [margin-left-start] 3rem [margin-left-end content-start] 80% content-end];

complied to all.css as seen on web developer console on google chrome.

display: grid;
grid-template-rows: 5vh 10vh;
grid-template-columns: margin-left-start 3rem margin-left-end content-start 80% content-end;

As shown above, it appears that pyscss removed the '[]'(square brackets) when compiling. The documentation says square brackets were deprecated. Any tips to address this? Will using the sass filter address this issue? Also can we just directly use this filter by just installing the ruby gem(or should we install a "ruby stack", I've no experience with ruby)? What about the libsass-python? Will this be a better way forward? Thanks in advance.


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