I have an application that I have created a sash for, so that users can resize the Styled Text objects as they choose.
I have a bug though that if the application is maximized, the sash is moved very low on the application, and then the user un-maximizes the application, the sash is then still beyond the bounds of the screen.
How can I make it so that when the user changes the application from maximized, to a smaller size, the sash automatically moves within the bounds of the application size; as in the first picture?
Also, is there a better (more dynamic) way to control the position limits for the sash?
separator.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
double height = shlPstmKnowledgeCatalogue.getBounds().height;
double qpBtnHeight = btnQuickParts.getBounds().height;
double workLblHeight = lblWorkInstructions.getBounds().height;
if (!shlPstmKnowledgeCatalogue.getMaximized()) {
if (event.y < workLblHeight + 30) {
event.y = (int) workLblHeight + 30;
else if (event.y > height - qpBtnHeight - 90) {
event.y = (int) (height - qpBtnHeight - 90);
else {
if (event.y < workLblHeight + 30) {
event.y = (int) (workLblHeight + 30);
else if (event.y > height - qpBtnHeight - 90) {
event.y = (int) (height - qpBtnHeight - 90);
separator.setBounds(event.x, event.y, event.width, event.height);
FormData formData = new FormData();
formData.top = new FormAttachment(0, event.y);
formData.left = new FormAttachment(lblScript, 6);
formData.right = new FormAttachment(script, 0, SWT.RIGHT);
formData.height = 5;
* Used to move the script label with the movement of the script
* text box. Otherwise, the label gets lost behind the text boxes.
FormData lblScriptData = new FormData();
lblScriptData.top = new FormAttachment(0, event.y - 5);
lblScriptData.bottom = new FormAttachment(0, event.y + 12);
lblScriptData.left = new FormAttachment (workInstructions,2, SWT.LEFT);
* Attaches the Work Instuction text box to the sash for dynamic resizing
* The resizing is done in relation to the Script text box
FormData workInstForm = new FormData();
workInstForm.left = new FormAttachment(0, 194);
workInstForm.right = new FormAttachment(100, -6);
workInstForm.bottom = new FormAttachment(separator, -15);
workInstForm.top = new FormAttachment(lblWorkInstructions, 7);
formToolkit.adapt(workInstructions, true, true);
* Attaches the Script text box to the sash for dynamic resizing
* The resizing is done in relation to the work instruction text box
FormData scriptForm = new FormData();
scriptForm.top = new FormAttachment(separator, 15);
scriptForm.right = new FormAttachment(workInstructions, 0, SWT.RIGHT);
scriptForm.left = new FormAttachment(workInstructions, 0, SWT.LEFT);
scriptForm.bottom = new FormAttachment(btnQuickParts, -6);
formToolkit.adapt(script, true, true);
I ended up writing a separate method to constantly check the position of the sash. Maybe it is not the most efficient way of doing it, but it does work!
The method is called inside of a while-loop, and the objects that are relative to the sash are also adjusted.