I want to perform Association Rules on this dataset http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00222/. It's a dataset with customers and y is the result, if the campaign persuaded them to subscribe to a product or not.
and the rest that didn't fit in the first image
I added an ID column in the dataset so when I am running the Association Node it doesn't generate any rules. In Properties I have ID as id, y(which is the subscription result yes or no) as Target and everything else as Inputs. Role is set to Transaction. I tried with 2 and 4 Association Items.
But it gives me: There are no rules that match the specified constraints. Any idea what should I change to have some rules?
Thanks and have a happy new year.
"Everything else as inputs" does not sound like you want an association rule algorithm. The Enterprise Miner node expects data in a format like this:
It does not seem like your data is in that format; hence, you are not getting any rules.