I am using the sankeyNetwork
function in the networkD3
package in R using as an example the code found here. However, all I get is a blank screen. The diagram is supposed to show the flow of infections between age groups (by gender). My code is as below:
edges <- read.csv(curl("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kilimba/data/master/infection_flows.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
nodes = data.frame(ID = unique(c(edges$Source, edges$Target)))
nodes$indx =0
for (i in 1:nrow(nodes)){
nodes[i,]["indx"] = i - 1
edges2 <- merge(edges,nodes,by.x = "Source",by.y = "ID")
edges2$Source <-NULL
names(edges2) <- c("target","value","source")
edges2 <- merge(edges2,nodes,by.x = "target",by.y = "ID")
edges2$target <- NULL
names(edges2) <- c("value","source","target")
nodes$indx <- NULL
# Plot
sankeyNetwork(Links = edges2, Nodes = nodes,
Source = "source", Target = "target",
Value = "value", NodeID = "ID",
width = 700, fontsize = 12, nodeWidth = 30)
Adjusting fontsize does work, but your argument is missing a capitalization: fontSize