Sanitize jQuery validation plugin data prior to validation

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Yes, I know that data sanitation and validation must be done server-side, but please stay with me.

Using the following script, will fail validation since a protocol is not given. If a URL is inputted without a protocol, I wish to add a default protocol (http://) to the input value prior to client-side validation. I don't wish to relax the validation method to silently accept URLs without a protocol as the user should be aware that a protocol was added.

How is this best accomplished?

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
                var validator=$("#myForm").validate({
                    rules: {
                        url: {url:true,}

                //Added per Monax's suggestion.

        <form id="myForm" method="post">
            <input name="url" id="url" value="">
            <input type="submit" />
        <?php echo('<pre>'.print_r($_POST,1).'</pre>');?>

There are 1 answers


You don't want to write a custom rule and you insist on manipulating the data before validation. Your options are limited since the plugin is automatically capturing all the validation triggering events. This is my suggested workaround.

  1. Create two input fields...

    • one visible for the user (no validation)
    • one hidden for validation. (validation message presented though)
  2. Upon entering any data into visible field, you would programmatically copy and modify the data as needed into the hidden field.

  3. Then programmatically trigger validation on the hidden field.

Something like this.


<input type="text" id="url" />
<input type="hidden" name="url" />


$('#url').on('blur keyup', function() {
    var myurl = $(this).val(); // entered value

    // manipulate and sanitize the value as desired

    $('[name="url"]').val() = newvalue; // copy the new value into the hidden field.
    $('[name="url"]').valid(); // trigger validation on the hidden field


  • You'll have to enable validation on hidden fields by properly setting the ignore option to something that allows it. [] will enable validation on all hidden fields.

  • You might have to use the errorPlacement option to tweak the placement of the error message for this hidden field. You can do this conditionally.