sanitize-html changing ampersand in URL

169 views Asked by At

I am using sanitize-html to sanitise html input before saving to a database.

The following:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

Is returned as:

<link href=";display=swap" rel="stylesheet" />

The & in the href value has been changed to &amp;, which is ignored by some browsers and therefore changes the destination of the URL:;display=swap


Per the warnings here I don't want to change the decodeEntities setting and I would want & to be encoded as &amp; in text content.

Is there a setting in sanitize-html that lets me (safely) preserve URLs? Or an alternative approach which doesn't involve re-parsing the HTML after it has been sanitised?


This is a documented behaviour of the library. Per this page, the browser will use the correct value when a link is clicked. I assume this is also the case for href attributes that aren't clicked (e.g. in <link> tags), but don't know for sure?


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