I ran into an issue when connecting to a SQLite Database before. Now that I figured it out, I'd like to share the solution with everyone. Thanks.
In plugins/index.js
const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
module.exports = (on, _config) => {
on('task', {
queryDb: queryTestDb,
//wait: timeout,
Also in plugins/index.js
const path='C:/Users/Mamga/TestDB/chinook.db'
function queryTestDb(sql) {
let db = new sqlite3.Database(path);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.all(sql, [], (err, rows) => {
else {
return resolve(rows);
}//End else
});//End db.run
Actual Test in TaskCommandDBConnectionTest.js ///
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
describe('Task Command', () => {
it('Should send execute something on node', () => {
const query='select * from Persons';
cy.task('queryDb', query).then((rows) => {
for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++)
cy.log(rows[i].FirstName + " "+ rows[i].LastName + " " + rows[i].Age)
Might be related to a bugfix in cypress 5.3.0: "Fixed an issue where a cy.task with no arguments passed would receive null as the first argument instead of undefined" https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/changelog.html#5-3-0