Same f2c generated C code, built with gcc on 2 platforms gives different results

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We have a strange issue with our code, we used a same code since several years on several platforms, but this year we needed to build our software on a 64-bit RHEL 8 system.

During build processing, we need to convert some F77 code to C code using f2c tools.

During this convert processing some variables in memory are defined like this in the output C file.

#define v_hhdcb__ ((shortint *)&dovit_1 + 1608) /* works perfectly */
#define v_cncal__ ((integer *)(&dovit_1 + 5)) /* dovit_1 is a an array of short /*

On all of our systems (HP-UX, AIX,Ubuntu, openSUSE) we obtain the good value when we build C code with GCC.

On Opensuse : The read v_cncal value is on dovit_1 address + 5 x short type size (2) == > (10)

But on RHEL the same C code return a bad address value:

On RHEL 8 : The read v_cncal value is at dovit_1 address + 5 x int type size (4) ==> (20) but dovit_1 is a short array and not an int array.

GCC version in both case 8.4 and same f2c compiler

What could be wrong?


During our debugging, we tried to modify manually C code like this :

#define v_cncal__ ((integer *)(&dovit_1 + 5*sizeof(shortint))) /* works */

But this C code is generated by f2c, I think the best way is to ask f2c dev team to known what's happening.


How dovit_1 is declared :

/* testdyF.f -- translated by f2c (version 20181026).
   You must link the resulting object file with libf2c:
        on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib;
        on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm
        or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm
        -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in
                cc *.o -lf2c -lm
        Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/, e.g.,


union {
    struct {
        shortint dovita[1];

    } _1;
    struct {
        doublereal eqv_pad[1];

    } _2;
} dovit_;

#define dovit_1 (dovit_._1)
#define dovit_2 (dovit_._2)

/* Table of constant values */

static integer c__9 = 9;
static integer c__1 = 1;
static integer c__2 = 2;
static integer c__3 = 3;

shortint        *__dovit;
#undef dovit_1
#define dovit_1 __dovit[0]

/* CCCC Tag pour ajout routine d attachement shm */
#include <SHM_INIT.c>

/* _SHM_INIT */
/* Main program */ int MAIN__(void)
    /* Builtin functions */
    integer s_wsle(cilist *), do_lio(integer *, integer *, char *, ftnlen),

    /* Local variables */
#define v_pc__ ((shortint *)&dovit_1 + 288100)
#define v_cp__ ((shortint *)&dovit_1 + 288169)
#define v_ct__ ((shortint *)&dovit_1 + 294500)


There are 2 answers

0___________ On

It is Undefined Behaviour as it violates the strict-aliasing rules. when you dereference the integer * (I believe that it is int *)

And the result is one of the most common way how UBs "work" - getting the different results using different compilers on when run on different platforms.

tstanisl On

As it was stated in answer that you trigger UB due to violation of strict aliasing rules.

However, I guess you problem may be caused by invalid alignment. Expression (&dovit_1 + 5)) looks very suspicious because it is not properly aligned pointer to 4-byte-long int. Some platforms allow reading only pointer that are correctly aligned and compilers take advantage of that by "adjusting" the pointers.

Btw. v_cncal__ reads a value at dovit_1 address + 5 x short int type size (2)", not just "int (size 4)". Type of dovit_1 is short int as I understand.

I guess that the pointer arithmetic should be done after the cast. Replace

#define v_cncal__ ((integer *)(&dovit_1 + 5)) 


#define v_cncal__ ((integer *)&dovit_1 + 5)

Did it help?