I am trying to retrieve Product subcategories sales rank (If it is applicable) and this is the script that I have written in Python
response = amazon.ItemLookup(ItemId="B007SNQ4FM", ResponseGroup="Large", )
x = etree.XML(response)
string_to_store=etree.tostring(x, pretty_print = True)
print string_to_store
The response that I Got from Amazon
<Height Units="pixels">75</Height>
<Width Units="pixels">26</Width>
The actual response can be seen here : http://pastebin.com/rCUKCbas
The original page (ie., Detailed page url) url: http://www.amazon.com/Luma-Comfort-EC45S-Evaporative-Cooling/dp/B007SNQ4FM%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAICPZU6FE2WKAQMZQ%26tag%3Drelierscom-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB007SNQ4FM
The Product details from the web:
Item model number: EC45S
Average Customer Review: 2.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (59 customer reviews)
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #12,677 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen)
#1 in Home Improvement > Appliances > Range Hoods
#18 in Home & Kitchen > Heating, Cooling & Air Quality > Air Conditioners & Accessories > Portable
In the above we can see it is having three rankings under different categories, but where as by using product api i am able to get only one rank (12,677), but how could I retrieve the other two rankings.
I was also hoping for an answer on this post since I'm looking for the same solution.
So far all I've found on the web is this Amazon Forum post Saying that it can't be done. If I find an answer I'll come back and post it.