Just wanted to get a reference for Sailfish OS App development.Which are all the good books and forums for beginners.
Sailfish OS App Development for Beginners
2.5k views Asked by Renji At
There are 2 answers

I'm afraid Sailfish OS project is at an early stage so far. It is based on Mer and Nemo so you can refer to the documentation of both projects. The official mailing list is: [email protected]. There's also a IRC channel (#sailfishos) at irc.freenode.net.
I'll include a few links that might help:
The current Sailfish Silica docs are at: https://sailfishos.org/develop/docs/silica/
There are no official forums yet but there is the #sailfishos channel on IRC (irc.freenode.net) - say "hi" when you join :)
SailfishOS App development is (as you realise) Qt based - you can use C++ or just QML. The Qt Project has excellent resources around these technologies.