I've got through the entire FORM integration successfully except for the encryption.
Version 3 requires AES encryption and I don't understand how to implement this stage.
Previously, the CFML script constructed the crypt field at the end using this:
//** call to include file to encrypt
crypt = base64Encode (SimpleXor(stuff,EncryptionPassword));
This called the functions file which did the actual work.
The help I need is in creating a new script in the function.cfm file and also what the call should be.
Can anyone help, please?
Here's a snippet of the code:
ThisVendorTxCode = "#sfo_id#";
ThisVendorName = "pivotell";
stuff = "VendorTxCode=" & ThisVendorTxCode & "&";
stuff = stuff & "VendorName=" & ThisVendorName & "&";
<cfset encryptionKey = generateSecretKey( "AES" ) />
//** call to include file to encrypt
<cfset crypt = encrypt(stuff,encryptionKey,"AES","hex") />
<form action="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/vspform-register.vsp" method="post" id="form1" name="form1">
<input type="hidden" name="VPSProtocol" value="3.00">
<input type="hidden" name="TxType" value="PAYMENT">
<input type="hidden" name="Crypt" value="#crypt#">
I've truncated the full thing for simplicity.
It took me 3 days and 3 nights to figure this out. Please read page 37 of the Sage Pay Form Integration and Protocol Guidelines 3.00.
Together with the last answer on this post. It should sort it.