Running Postman Collections In Jenkins from a Git Repo

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I am trying to run my Postman collections, which are in a git repo, through Jenkins pipeline job, but I get the error -->> sh: newman: command not found


  1. Export collections from Postman
  2. Push these to a Git repo.
  3. Run these collections in Jenkins

Contents of package.json in the project:-

      "test123":"newman run PostmanCollection/wms_int_b.json --folder Automated -e PostmanEnvironment/Local.postman_environment.json -k --reporters junit"
      "url":"[email protected]:test.git"

Jenkins pipeline script from jenkinsfile:

    agent { label 'build' }

    stages {
        stage('Run API Tests') {
            steps {
                sh 'npm run test123'

enter image description here

Any suggestions would be really helpful. I believe its got to do with Node.js as Newman needs it. Some people have suggested I need to run this in a docker, but I have no idea how to configure it.


There are 1 answers

John On

Install newman in jenkins Try this

pipeline{ agent { label 'build' }

stages {
    stage('Run API Tests') {
        steps {
            sh 'npm install -g newman'
            sh 'npm run test123'
