I want to create a basic html file that has an upload button for 3 files that are in a folder(.bed, .bim, .fam), and a convert button to convert those input files into another file (.ped, .map)
I am successful to do this conversion in the terminal by using:
plink --bfile inputFile --recode --out newFile
The issue is how can I make the convert button in the html file run the script above to do the conversion and send the converted file back to the webpage ... because I have to use plink to do the conversion...
Thanks and any help is much appreciated !!
There is no way to do this directly.
The closest you could come would be to run an HTTP server and write a server side program (e.g. via Perl + PSGI + FastCGI, Node.JS + Express or even Bash + CGI) which acted as a wrapper around those commands.
You could then have an HTML document include a
which, when submitted, would trigger the HTTP request that would cause the server to run that program.