Running Iroha multiple nodes on different servers

216 views Asked by At

I have 2 ubuntu machines

  1. Ubuntu server
  2. Ubuntu server

The problem which i am facing is that i am unable to run 2nd Node as a peer of first Node.... I have tried with different type of genesis files like :

  1. Providing both Peers info in genesis
**........  ==> local machine ip
  ........  ==> server ip
  ........  Running point 1 results in error with exiting of related Iroha Node**
  1. `Providing only current node info in genesis see genesis file here for both Nodes Also you can see config file for both Nodes
"addPeer": {
              "peer": {
                "address": "",
                "peerKey": "d04da271b57fe63426ae1dc97f6952104037411fcf4f3b739dc217f45e5fc99b"

FYI // like same way provide node info in 2nd running node genesis and then run Addpeer in cli then this error comes and both of the nodes stop working

see Error image on running point 2

I am not sure what is the correct way to run Iroha nodes on different servers and then add 2nd node as a peer of 1st one....Even i have not found any helping document ..The only help which i found was to deploy multiple nodes on single machine using docker but i want to deploy on different machines and use them as a peer. Please guide me


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