Running Great Expectations on files with spaces in names

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I am running Great Expectations on a json file. The folder name has spaces in it. the filename is as below

/mnt/folder1/folder2/folder3/folder name with problem/part-000-tid-1234567-abc-x-y-z.json

When i run the validation i get the below error File file:/databricks/great_expectations/uncommitted/data_docs/local_site/validations/folder%20name%20with%20problem/20230901-212503-my-run-name-template/20231017T212503.475820Z/8137d3b18ba77347392992ed75eef9a1.html does not exist

When i remove the spaces from the folder name, the validation runs successfully. I have tens of such folders and its hard to rename all of them.

Is there a solution to this problem so that the GE would take the folder names with spaces ?


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