I'm not able to figure out how to run a whole scenario before an other scenario, so that my test are not dependant on eachother.
I have this imaginary scenarios.
Scenario A
Given I have something
When I sumbit some data
I should see it on my webpage
Scenario B
When I delete the data
I should not see it on my webpage
When I run this scenario case, the software does not recognize Scenario A in scenario B, and ask me to create the step, like this...
You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
@Given("^Registrere formue og inntekt$")
public void registrere_formue_og_inntekt() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
Cucumber scenarios are supposed to be independent. A lot of work is done assuming and ensuring that independence. Trying to go against will be an obstacle course.
Having said that, you could create your custom implementation of the
JUnit runner. Having this custom implementation, and by looking at the source of the original runner, you can expose / wrap / change the internals to allow what you want. For example with the following runner:You can setup your test suite with:
And create a step definition like:
It is a fragile customization (can break easily with new versions of
) but it should work.