Launch web spider on Windovs 8.1 64-bit. Tried not to connect additional libraries, and eventually climbs mistake.
C:\Users\I>cd c:\Users\i\Desktop\heritrix-1.14.4
c:\Users\I\Desktop\heritrix-1.14.4>cd bin
You have to specify either a username and password for the
web interface or start Heritrix without the web ui.
Example: heritrix.cmd --admin=admin:letmein
heritrix.cmd --nowui myOrder.xml
Error: Password file not found: \Users\I\Desktop\heritrix-1.14.4\jmxremote.password
You have to specify either a username and password for the
web interface or start Heritrix without the web ui.
Example: heritrix.cmd --admin=admin:letmein
heritrix.cmd --nowui myOrder.xml
What and where should I enter the password and login?
try simply