I am trying to use NET-SNMP to run a little script and return the value returned by the script
I have my snmpd.conf file configured with the extend statement:
although when I query the device using iReasonings MIB Browser, I get this:
I haven't done anything to the default MIBs that come with the installation of snmpd so I think that might be the culprit, I just don't know how to define the simple value that will be returned by the script.
All my shell script does is call the below python script (supply.py):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
if(GPIO.input(23) == 1):
print("Button 1 pressed")
elif(GPIO.input(23) == 0):
print("Button 1 released")
So how can I make the snmpd run the script when I query the OID as defined in the extend command?