runModalForWindow throttles http requests

1k views Asked by At

I have url connection, which normally works fine

NSURLConnection *connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request

But when I create a modal window, no request ever receives response:

[NSApp runModalForWindow:window];

If I comment this line out, thus creating a 'standard' window, everything works.

I tried implementing all methods from NSURLConnectionDelegate, not a single of them called.

I suspect this is something about 'run loops', but have little experience in this area. Does anybody have experience in this?

Thank you


There are 3 answers


If you're targeting 10.5+, you can tell the NSURLConnection to also run in NSModalPanelRunLoopMode (the mode your current thread's runloop would be in while presenting a modal view) via

-(void)scheduleInRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)aRunLoop forMode:(NSString *)mode

where aRunLoop would probably be [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] and the mode would be NSModalPanelRunLoopMode. More info in the NSURLConnection doc.

If you're supporting earlier OSs, you may have to get creative (i.e. with multithreading). Good discussion of this issue pre-10.5 here.

Eimantas On

I haven't bumped into the situation you're having, but I suggest spawning and starting a connection in background thread.

Frank Zheng On

I also met the same problem that didn't get the delegate method called when using NSURLConnection in a Modal Window.

after some investigation, following code resolve it.

NSURLConnection* conn = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:requst delegate:self startImmediately:NO];
[conn scheduleRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentLoop] forMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode];
[conn start];

However, when connectionDidFinishLoading called, [NSApp stopModal] doesn't work, need call [NSApp abortModal] instead.