For testing purposes i'm using Thucydides combined with Jbehave.
Now I have a story login.story
Scenario: Succesfull login
Given the user is on the login page
Given the user enters his username
Given the user enters his password
When the user logs in
Then the user should see his name on the homepage
And another story story1.story that includes the login
Meta: @username username
@password password
@name name
GivenStories: Login.story
Scenario: .....
When i run my tests with maven with the folowing command
mvn clean verify thucydides:aggregate -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
Then maven runs all the stories.
Because login.story is just a story to be included and parameterized in other stories, i don't want it to run. Maven runs it now and says its a pending story because it does not include any examples.
Is there a way to avoid this? Can you tell maven which stories to run, and what is the sequence?
Try to use
with your command [Don't uselogin.story
but uselogin
without extension.story
]. It should start only one mentioned story file.