Run my php files from outside htdocs

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I have my xampp installed and running sites from the htdocs folder. I want to create a website directory in a different location and run the files online from there.

I know I can do this somehow using both Virtual Host settings and changing my hosts file in System32.

I want to change my URL from localhost/websites/mysite/ to just mysite/

Can anyone offer assistance, thank you


There are 2 answers


Locate httpd.conf file on your local XAMPP install: C:\xampp\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf

Edit the “DocumentRoot” line to the location of the remote \htdocs folder.

Example: “C:/xampp/xampp/htdocs” to “C:/Users/Ann/Documents/My Dropbox/Dev/Xampp/xampp/htdocs”

Edit the “Directory” tag to the same remote location you set for DocumentRoot.

“C:/Users/Ann/Documents/My Dropbox/Dev/Xampp/xampp/htdocs”

Save the file and restart your local Apache server.

Navigate to your "localhost” in your browser and you should see the remote web site files.

Apostolos On

You don't have to configure anything and then reconfigure ...

What I do is the following: I have a simple PHP file in htdocs folder, named 'PHPexec.php', which accepts files from anywhere and it runs them as 'include' files. Example: Suppose you want to run "D:\PHPs\xxx.php'. You run http://localhost/PHPexec.php?f=D:\PHPs\xxx.php. PHPexec.php will receive the pathfile as a $_GET variable and run it as an 'include' file:

$file = $_GET['f'];  // After checking if it is set etc.
include $file;

Simple as that. From the moment you create your 'PHPexec.php', you have just to run http://localhost/PHPexec.php?f={PHP_file}. Your PHP file will be run as if it were stored in localhost! No configurations and re-configurations ...

(You can configure your 'PHPexec.php' to also accept variables to pass to the PHP file, etc.)