Run left join using EfCore7 using `SqlQueryRaw` Function

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I Need to run a simple left join on my database and it seems EFCore cannot do this job. I have this Query:

"SELECT ag.ID as AgreementId, " +
            "       sg.SignedAt ," +
            "       sg.SignedByName As SignedBy," +
            "       ag.Type As Type," +
            "      ag.Version," +
            "      sg.VendorId," +
            "      ag.CreatedAt As AgreementCreated " +
            "from `Agreements` ag LEFT JOIN `SignedAgreements` sg on " +
            "     sg.`AgreementId`= ag.`Id` " +
            "    and sg.`VendorId` = @vendorId " +
            "where ag.`Type` = @type";

and I need to generate this query using Linq or run it directly on dbContext.Database.SqlQueryRaw(). So I attempted to translate this raw SQL to Linq but was unsuccessful. So, I was forced to run the query using the dbContext.Database.SqlQueryRaw but I am facing this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: The element type 'VendorAgreementSignReadModel' used in 'SqlQuery' method is not natively supported by your database provider. Either use a supported element type, or use ModelConfigurationBuilder.DefaultTypeMapping to define a mapping for your type.


There are 1 answers

Navid_pdp11 On

As this blog described this functionality is not supported until version 8 of EfCore.