Run clean task before every build automatically in Gradle

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I want to run a project "clean" before the assembleRelease task in Gradle.

How can I trigger the clean task basically before everything?


There are 3 answers

Gabriele Mariotti On

In gradle you can use the dependsOn method.

B.dependsOn A

In this way:

  • task B depends on task A
  • gradle executes A task everytime before the B task execution.

In your case:

assembleRelease.dependsOn clean
reidisaki On

Adding to this, what I needed to do was have this in the

    android {
    afterEvaluate { 
       assemble(*your task here*)debug clean

and now it works great

shizhen On

Use following code to execute the clean task first per each build variant

project.afterEvaluate {
    android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            def capitalizedVariant =
            def assembleVariantTask = project.tasks."assemble${capitalizedVariant}"
            assembleVariantTask.dependsOn clean