Run Camunda Operate dockerized behind an nginx reverse proxy

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I've successfully deployed dockerized versions camunda operate, zeebe broker, and elasticsearch. I can access the web ui for camunda operate at localhost:8080. I need to put these behind an existing nginx reverse proxy. My first attempt was to do:

location /operate/ {
    proxy_pass http://operate:8080/;    

Operate is the name of the docker container, and the nginx container is running within the same network. Navigating to https://localhost/operate shows me a blank page with the Camunda Operate title showing. What seems to be happening is the initial /operate call is proxied successfully, but subsequent calls to static resources go to https://localhost/static/some-script.js instead of https://localhost/operate/static/some-script.js

I thought specifying /operate/ instead of /operate in the nginx location would do the trick, but no luck. Any clarification would be appreciated!


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