ruby: util.c:95: tds_set_state: Assertion `tds->state < (sizeof(state_names)/sizeof(state_names[0]))' failed. Aborted

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I get the following error when I read more than 100 message at consumer side. I publish messages to RabbitMQ and have run a consumer to read from RabbitMQ it breaks when find more than 100 or sometimes 90's messages the error is given below

ruby: util.c:95: tds_set_state: Assertion `tds->state < (sizeof(state_names)/sizeof(state_names[0]))' failed. Aborted

Ok and thanks. Let me Explain the problem. See I have a publisher written in .Net that pushes messages to RabbitMQ(Open source Q) then I have a consumer That reads from that Queue. It reads fine when there are less than 100 messages in a minute but when the amount exceeds it fires the error and the app is terminated with the above error i provided


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